

The object model that contains personality information data that will be included in the PersonalityInfo table.


new PersonalityInfo()

Name Type Attributes Description
id String

UUIDv4 which represents the personality information's ID.

name String

Personality information's name.

name_jp String <optional>

Personality name in Japanese.

nickname String <optional>

Personality's nickname.

birthdate String <optional>

Personality's birth date.

birthplace String <optional>

Personality's birth place.

bloodtype String <optional>

Personality's blood type.

image String <optional>

An url link which represents the personality information's image.

description Text <optional>

Description about the personality.

source String <optional>

Personality information source link.

createdAt Date

The time the personality information was created.

updatedAt Date

The last time the personality information was updated.